Saturday, November 20, 2010

It Takes All Kinds

You can do just about anything you want on a bike. You can use bikes to get to work, to the store, or any place you need to go. You can use a bike for your work. For example, a pedi-cab.

One burglar in Oklahoma City is doing his part to make a difference. He rides his bike while burglarizing homes and businesses. No telling how much money he saves in gasoline. Good for him!

Here is a link to the story:

Friday, November 12, 2010

Kid in California Told to Take His Flag Off His Bike

In Sacramento, a 13 year-old boy was told to take his flag off his bicycle, which he rides to school every day. School officials determined that the flag could cause tensions. Here is a link to the story:,0,3045879.htmlstory

Does it ever seem like we're throwing the baby out with the bath water?